Sunday, April 8, 2007


How was your Easter?

We had a good crowd at church this morning....40 plus people. That may not seem like a lot to you, but less than three years ago, when I first came to Loma Rica Baptist Church there was less than a dozen people....God has been good!

The whole Easter holiday though, strikes me as odd.

My wife and I have had more than one person ask us, "So, what are you (or what is your church) doing for Easter?

I get a puzzled look and think, "I'm doing what I do every Sunday, I'm going to church."

For beleivers, every Sunday is Easter Sunday...because we celebrate the resurrection every Sunday! Heck...every day is Easter day, because I celebrate the risen Savior every day!

Our faith should not be compartmentalized, and put into a package that can be marketed and sold at Wal-mart in a Hallmark card!

So tomorrow, when you wake up to go to work, or to school, or if you are a stay-at-home Mom who is taking care of a family, or if you're know what scratch all of that....if you know Jesus as your Savior, and you wake up tomorrow...Celebrate Easter tomorrow!

Ok, so there's that.
Pastor Dave

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